The International Association for Structural Control and Monitoring (IASCM) has recognised RIIS Hub, and its research, as a global leader and innovator in science and engineering.
The International Association for Structural Control and Monitoring (IASCM) accelerates the advancement of the science and practice of structural control and monitoring. Its Board comprises 17 academic leaders from around the world, representing academic institutions contributing to advancing civil infrastructure systems in the USA, Japan, Europe, Chine, Korea, India and Australasia.

RIIS Hub Lead Investigator Professor Bijan Samali, Western Sydney University, is a Board Member representing the IASCM Australasia Panel.
During a recent update, Professor Samali’s highlighted RIIS Hub’s research to the Board, overviewed its five research themes and explained the Hub’s role in transforming advanced manufacturing, service and infrastructure engineering in Australia.
In doing so, Professor Samali further establishes RIIS Hub research and achievements as among the best in class in Australasia, and the world when it comes to advancing technologies that can accurately measure, monitor, control and predict structural behaviour, as well as improve the safety and durability of civil infrastructure and systems.
During his address, Professor Samali gave particular attention to RIIS innovation in the area of structural health monitoring, with a focus on RIIS Hub Research Theme 4: Infrastructure Health Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance.
The sub-theme covers the development of new, automated data-extraction and real time performance evaluation methods to monitor external loads, along with the development innovative techniques to predict the structural response of infrastructure and large complex structures. This closely aligns with the IASCM’s charter to find solutions that address the ‘wide ranging challenges associated with highly complex, large-scale civil structures’ in the USA and beyond.
The international recognition that comes as a result elevates the awareness and recognition of RIIS Hub science and engineering achievements among academics and institutions, as well as opening the door to closer engagement with the wider IASCM membership, which represents a diverse and interdisciplinary community of researchers engaged in advancing the state-of-art in structural control and monitoring technologies.
Professor Samali is passionate about improving building safety for the well-being of people and communities, adding after the address: “We need resilient buildings. Earthquakes do not kill people, buildings do!”.
Learn more about Professor Bijan Samali and his wide-ranging scientific and engineering achievements:
IASCM Board: Academic Institutions Represented
USA: University of Michigan, University of Southern California, Columbia University
UK: University of Sheffield
Switzerland: ETH Zürich
Poland: Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Ethiopia: Addis Abba University
India: Indian Institute of Science
Mainland China: Harbin Institute of Technology
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Japan: University of Tokyo, Kyoto University
South Korea: Seoul National University
Singapore: National University of Singapore
Australia: Western Sydney University