Looking for a new career that engages with industry, government, and the community to develop and implement science-based policy and integrated practical solutions? See our listing of current career vacancies below.
UNSW Scholarship Opportunities – ARC Research Hub for Resilient and Intelligent Infrastructure Systems
Exciting opportunities are available to do your PhD at UNSW Sydney, Faculty of Engineering. Description These positions form part of a significant national research hub, the ARC Research Hub for Resi...
PhD – Causality and Prediction Modelling for Assets with Real-time Data
The Centre for SDIs and Land Administration (CSDILA) at the University of Melbourne invites potential applicants for postgraduate (PhD) study to conduct research in Causality and Prediction Modelling ...
PhD – Developing Predictive Models and Tools for Real-Time Flood Monitoring FEIT
Take the opportunity to do your PhD at the University of Melbourne, Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) with the Centre for SDIs and Land Administration (CSDILA). This PhD position forms part of a s...
PhD – GeoDesign & Landscape Architecture for Ecological Adaptation
Description The Landscape Architecture program at the University of Melbourne’s Architecture Building and Planning is working as part of the Centre for SDIs and Land Administration (CSDILA) to colla...