
Negin Yousefpour

Dr Negin Yousefpour is a senior lecturer in the Infrastructure Engineering Department and founder/director of Data-Driven and Computational Geotechnics research lab at the University of Melbourne. She was the recipient of the prestigious Doreen Thomas Fellowship in 2020 and several other industry funding and research awards such as Arup Global Research Challenge Award in 2018. Negin’s research is focused on applied AI/ML applications in geotechnics, particularly geohazards and geo-failure prediction and infrastructures’ predictive maintenance, reliability-based and probabilistic methods, and advanced geo-structural simulations for extreme events. Negin’s research is inspired by more than 10 years industry experience worldwide with Arup, involving many high-profile projects in US/Canada, UK, Australia, and Europe such as Texas High-Speed Rail, Panama Bridge, White Rose Oil Field, Melbourne Metro, and Regional Rail-Revival and Level-Crossing Removal.