
Masoud Kamali

Thesis Topic

Design and Development of Spatial Digital Twins for Industrial Plants


Masoud Kamali is a PhD student in the Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration (CSDILA), Department of Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Melbourne. His research focus is on the development of spatial digital twins for industrial plants, aiming to create 3D models and integrate with VR/MR technologies. In particular, he is developing new artificial intelligence algorithms to detect and classify complex 3D objects in industrial environments.

Masoud received his master’s degree with top honours in Geographic Information Systems Engineering from K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. As a technical lead and full-stack developer, he has undertaken multiple research and development projects related to location-based services, DApps (Distributed Applications), as well as web-based and mobile applications in the geospatial industry.