Congratulations and due recognition for RIIS Lead CI Professor Sisi Zlatanova
At the XXIV congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) RIIS Hub Lead Chief Investigator Professor Sisi Zlatanova was awarded the honour of being elected as a lifelong Fellow of ISPRS for her sustained, excellent contribution to ISPRS and its goals.
Professor Zlatanova, SHARP Professor and Head of GRID (Geospatial Information Centre) at the Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW Sydney, is only the third woman of the 25 Fellows. She joins her PhD supervisor and promotor (at Graz University of Technology – Austria) Franz Leberl, founder of Vexcel Imaging.
At the congress Sisi was also elected as the President of Technical Commission IV on Spatial Information Science for the period 2022-2026. This will mean that the Commission is hosted by Australia (Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI)), and the TCIV symposium will be held in Australia in 2024. The symposium usually attracts 200-300 people internationally.
Huge congratulations to Sisi!